While leaving the National Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at the White House on Thursday, me and two of my bestesty girlfriends were not having a conversation about "intimate" relationships. I did not say, "I don't know what everyone's problem in the US is about sex, I mean they lose their virgintiy in Europe at like 14." As I say this, I suddenly realize where I was. I was so most definately not in a crowd of people that had stopped waiting to cross at the light. I did not meet the eye of a mom with her 12-13 year old daughter, and I so did not get a death glare.
I am really quiet in groups of people. I think I have always been shy, but when I am around friends and family I talk a mile a minute and pretty loudly too. I really get into it and I like that about myself, even if I am talking about sex.
My friend Cynthia did not proceed to point out that this is becoming a habit for me. Because a couple months ago we were not at Tombs, and I was not recounting my one and only conversation about sex with my parents. I was not saying, "I was like 15 and we were sitting at a traffic light and I don't remember how it came up, but my Mom asks, 'You know he puts it in you, right?'" Well I must not have been a little loud because the next thing I know people at the table next to us do not stop talking and do not all turn to look at me. Great. Great. Great. This mean I am now the girl who talks really loudly about sex in public.
My friend Christina made yummy, homemade enchiladas for dinner last night and I brought the desert. Well I actually made desert there.... I had to stop at Safeway to get cookie dough and was talking on the phone being passed around my family who were gathered at my house themselves partaking in a cookie making extravaganza. I was not so caught up in my conversation and not dropping the box I was carrying and getting all the buttons right on the debit-card swippy machine (why are there so many steps to those, btw?) that I so did not, not realize that one of my best friends was standing in line in front of me. It was so totally not until the guy handed me the receipt and I turned to leave that I realized she was standing right there and had been the entire time. ooops!
Well those were the big mea culpa's this week. But I am not without my small faults. Finally, I have not had three of these cookies for breakfast (I am justifying it by drinking a glass of OJ), they are not super easy, and fast, and they are so not delectably amazing. I did not get these off a blog I read... no not this blog right here.
I am am so not admiting that I posted this Not Me Monday over on my China Travel blog and it did not take me 10 minutes to realize it.
On another note I don't know what to do about a paper. I emailed my professor on Saturday morning about changing my paper topic, but he didn't get back to me. So I made an executive decision and took my paper in another direction. Well he emailed me this morning and pretty much told me not to change it. The probelem is that it is 50% of my grade... yes 50% OF MY GRADE! so off I go to figure out what to do.
1 comment:
ahhhh sex lol....so much to be said about this topic!
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