Saturday, December 6, 2008

Scrooge McDuck

What is with these people? While in Ashville for the Thaksgiving holiday, a news story dominated the papers and local news. A man attacked his Grandfather with a machete knife after the grandfather wouldn't give him the money to bring his mail-order bride over from China. After attacking his elderly grandfather he stole $200,000 out of his grandfather's safe. Yes, you read the right 200,000 DOLLARS! 200,000 BUCKS! 200,000 SMACKAROOS!

What is striking about this to me, isn't the grandson using a machete (sadly the world isn't surprising in that regard), but that the grandfather would keep his life savings in his safe. Isn't he afraid its going to be robbed? Oh yeah, it was!

Then in Seattle today there is a story in the paper about a high-school student who turned in $10,000 he found in the bathroom at the Top Foods where he works. Good for the boy... but the article states that the 50 and 1o0 dollar bills represent the life savings of the man they were returned to. Again with someone having their life savings in cash, and carrying it around with him no less.

I just don't get these people. Have neither of these people not heard of a bank? You know if the money was in the bank, they wouldn't of had it stollen or lost it! ANd if you were afraid of the run on the banks, there is this wonderful thing called the FDIC that wasn't around during the great depressions, that miraculous insures the money FOR YOU!

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