Anyways I wanted to introduce to you my Bestesty Friends. I went through a difficult period in my life between high school and college. I walked away from almost everyone of my friends from High School (which is a story for another day) and I arrived at Georgetown feeling quite alone. My Bestesty Friends taught me how to laugh again and cry again. I have loved again because of them. At the end of the day they make my life a better place. Recently I was having a very crappy day and one of these wonderful gals texted me about her crappy day and I realized that I no longer cared how horrible my day hap been. It didn't matter, but making my friend feel an ounce better well that did matter. And I realized right then, that is what true friendship is.
From left to right this is me, Amelia, and Christina. Amelia is getting married next Fall (crazy, huh?), and has the most amazing wedding dress picked out. She is always smiling, and my memories containing her are always the craziest. She is my wild child and she will always be my Sam and can whip my buy at word games. She makes me want to be better though.
Christina is my go to girl and fashionista. I have spent so much time laughing with her these last few months. I was so completely lost without her while she was studying abroad in Spain last year and I am so glad to have her back. She makes my life shine.

This is Pam and Luke. Pam and I became friends after we discovered that we had a similar interest... fanfiction. She ended up writing a paper at some point on the linguistics of fanfiction reviews, crazy huh? She is also smart. And is working at an up anc oming dot-com. Doing who knows what under a government contract. Luke, the crazy guy next to her is my tech guru and is an all around great guy. Some girl is going to be very lucky someday.

The picture below is a bunch of us are from Sophmore year. These were the good days, before our relationships became strained. We've all grown up so much since this picture. From L to R, me, Ashley Uno, Carol, Tessa, and Amelia. By the end of the year when this photo was taken, I was no longer on speaking terms with Uno or Tessa. I can't even explain for you why, its so trivial now.
I have been very fortunate to be able to repair my relationship with Uno. We were in the library on Sunday night, catching up and whispering until midnight, as if things had never changed. She will be a great doctor in the not so distant future.
I hope to be able to repair things with Tessa as well some day, I just need to pick up the phone and call. She is my secret keeper and she is one of the smartest people I have every met. Even with us not talking, I would do anything for her and I hope she knows that. If you thought I talked about sex loudly in public now, than you don't want to be around when the two of us are together. I blame this all on her, you know.
Carol, in the middle, is my political bunny, with a social concscience. She was born with a genetic abnormality and not expected to make it past kindergarden and look at her today. She has introduced me to the music and the arts and my life is richer because of her. The world is richer because of her.

Here we all are (sans Cynthia) freshman year, I can't believe that was 3 years ago. We all lived on the same floor and we all weighed 15 pounds less. I love this "Posse" and I feel so fortunate to be able to share my life with them and share in their lives.

1 comment:
ahhh you called me a fashionista hehe, that so made my day!
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