This cockroach incident reinforced an important lesson... sometimes we are given problems in life to prepare us for even more difficult tribulations. Back in September my roommate and I faced an infestation of ants. In actuality they had begun building an ant hill on the carpet of our room! Because we found it on the Saturday morning of a three day weekend, the university's facilities department was closed and I had to deal with the problem myself. To say I am a squeamish with bugs is a bit of an understatement, though I am getting better. I went to CVS and bought ant/roach spray to kill the ants. Once dead, I vacuumed them up. Problem solved, I stuck the spray under our sink and forgot about it.
While trying to find the little sucker pictured above (he had run down my closet door, stood in front of the room's door taunting me and trapping me inside, then had the gall to hide under my bed!) we looked under the sink to see if he had hidden there. He hadn't (he was actually hiding in my ski jacket, which I am not sure I will ever be able to wear again) but we found the forgotten bug spray. Now armed with more than a tennis shoe and a book, we had a more even fight. Had I not had to deal with the ant problem in September, I would never have been prepared to deal with this much nastier cockroach. Nice moral, huh? But, please, oh please, tell me that this cockroach incident wasn't to prepare me to deal with something even nastier.
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