Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh me, oh my, oh ants!

Some of you might recall that last fall shortly after moving into my basement apartment, I had an infestation of spider crickets! I still shudder thinking about them.

So I just shook my head when moving in to the dorm last Sunday, I found 5 ants crawling across my bed. I figured that since my stuff had been in storage perhaps they had transferred to my bed when I was unpacking. I squished them and said if I find more I will call facilities. Then on Tuesday or Wednesday I was studying at my desk and I had an ant crawl across my arm! I said okay one more I will call facilities. Well yesterday I was putting together tables from Ikea and I looked down. The carpet was moving! There was a line of ants crawling across the floor.

Well finally I called facilities and guess what? The facilities department is closed on the weekend. And Monday is Labor Day so they are closed then too! So I went to CVS and bought a can of ant spray, I sprayed the area and they seem to have dissipated. Oh the wonderful things life throws at you, or in this case crawls at you.

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