No I did not literally run through the streets of Georgetown to get to the bank on Tuesday before they closed at 5. No I did not arrive at 4:55 and when the doors were locked, I did not jingle the door really hard. No I did not call my dad to vent that the bank closed early to spite me. No I did not feel self-absorbed when he informed me it was Veteran's Day. No I still don't understand why we had to go to school, when the banks were closed.
I did not proceed to go to Starbucks and walk through Pottery Barn and look at the Christmas displays so my trip to Wisconsin/M Street would not be a total loss.
I did not see a cockroach in the bathroom in the middle of the night. No he wasn't a little guy less than an inch long. Nonetheless, it did not bring up memories of past bug problems. And no I did not have an epiphany while sitting on the porcelain thrown that unless I killed the thing right then and there, I would never use the bathroom closest to my room again. I did not immediately return to my room without washing my hands to get the ant/roach killer and proceed to drown the thing. Afterwards I did not have a mighty sense of satisfaction.
I did not roll out of bed Thursday morning and step on my glasses, breaking them. I did not proceed to tear a contact lens two minutes later. I did not walk around campus blind in one eye half the morning and I did not deem going to the optician more important that going to class. (By the way My Eye Doctor on M Street rocks the socks off customer service, if you are looking for a optometrist office in DC).
I did not spend the last two months planning a trip to Atlantic City for four of my friends. We did not have to reschedule this trip twice in the process. No I was not angry/disappointed/mad when three of my friends bailed within 24 hours of us leaving. No, my friends are not inconsiderate, and no two did not bail via text messaging.
As I picked up the friend at work whose car I borrowed to take us to Atlantic City, I did not resent my friends for every one of the 120 minutes I had to spend in DC traffic as a result.
No I did not consider tossing her GPS out the window, because it wanted me to turn back into the traffic I had just come from. No I do not consider myself a better navigator than the GPS.
I was not so disappointed/exhausted from the day that when we got back to her place, I did not fall asleep while watching a movie while waiting for Chinese food. I did not wake up to eat and proceed to fall back asleep. No I am not such a bad house guest. No I did not return home to promptly go to bed, cause if my trip was canceled I just didn't want to do anything else.
I did not read three whole books in their entirety this weekend that would mean that I was actually productive and studying, and seriously that just hasn't been me lately. I did not start to write a paper on Saturday that is due Thursday, that would be planning ahead. No aliens have not possessed my body.
I did not feel momentarily guilty this morning when I woke up to see my roommate already awake, even though I went to bed 3 hours later than her. Waking up in the morning is not a contest.
UGh, what sucky friends to drop the trip last minute via text message.
Also I don't love killing roaches, ha!
I am NOT jealous of you reading three books this weekend! I do NOT need and want to read more. (:
I so did not not understand why we had to go to class on Veteran's day either. I am not up at 1am blogging since I can not sleep.
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