No this is not my 49th post, this number does not equate to the number of posts I wrote while in China. No this does not feel monumental in the slightest!
I did not have to accept a urn with ashes in it, while babysitting on Friday night. That would be just weird... really, really, really creepy actually. So no, it was not me that signed for it. And I do not hate, hate, hate the word ashes. I have not hated it my entire life, and I did not detest the song "Ring around the rosie" as a child because "ashes. ashes. we all fall down." It so has nothing to do with my name.
Christina and I absolutely did not take a study break and visit Georgetown Cupcakes tonight. We did not spend $3.03 each on a sugary concoction that we had to wait in line for a half hour for. The were definalty, so not worth every minute of the wait. We did not order a dozen to take with us to our friend's parents for Thanksgiving. We so didn't order an additional half dozen, because we knew we would be too tempted to eat them on the eight hour car ride there. And while ordering online I did not find overwhelming joy in playing with my mouse and making lots of swirling cupcakes.... come on you know you want to check it out.
No the back wheel and seat were not stollen off my bike this week. Nobody would do that, because that is mean and petty. Literally. I did not have to file a police report and I am not going to have to replace them out of pocket. No, it does not make me feel sad at the circumstances of despiration this person must have been in, to need my seat and wheel so badly, because stelling is just plain wrong. And I did not tear up when the six year old I was babysitting this weekend asked with heartfelt sincerity "why would someone stell your stuff?"
I did not lose a ring this week that was a gift given to me by my Aunt whom I adore. I did not look in the library, the tombs, cafeteria, etc... for the ring and come up empty. I did not proceed to find it sitting on my desk Saturday night. It was not just sitting there and had been all along, because my roomate really did not find it. I asked.
I did not 5 minutes later realize that I had lost my GoCard. A piece of plastic that lets me into the dorm, into the library, oh yeah, and feeds me. I did not look everywhere for it. I did not finally figure that I must have thrown it out with the trash I had dumped the night before. I did not get an email on Sunday evening 24 hours later that the Faculty-in-Resident's wife found it. I did not breathe a huge sigh of relief.
No I am not just having "one of those weeks." No I did not slam my numb fingers into the door last night and I did not almost pass out in the elevator when I realized these was blood gushing everywhere. Seriously, it has not been "one of those weeks."
I was not kicked out of the library earlier tonight, because I didn't have my GoCard. No, I didn't whine to the security guard in the process. Whining is for babies and surely I am not a baby. I did not trudge back to the dorm to get my GoCard from the Faculty-in-Resident's apartment. It is absolutely not 3:30 in the morning and I am definately not back in the library, writing this.
Speaking of late nights, no I did not pull 3 all nighters this last week. One would be acceptable, two on the line of crazy... so three... surely not me. The amount of time I slept saturday night did not equate to the amount of sleep I had had in the last seven days. That would be really bad.
So I am totally not going to head to my room and go to bed now... night all!
And for anyone who stops by to read via MckMama, would you please take a moment to watch one of the two videos here about my friend Sergent Rodney Spears. Then if you pray, pray for this family. If not would you consider making a blood donation in his name? It has taken over 40 units of blood to keep him alive... would you consider helping your fellow mankind at this time of Thanksgiving?
Great Not Me's, will check out the video about your friend.
Sorry you had such a bad week. Now you can start fresh.
I did the same thing on the bakery website. Played with the swirly thing! Sorry about your friend.
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