Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ashley is...

  1. 9:29 - blogging from the 3rd and final presidential debate of the 2008 election season. Only 20 more days to the election. Doesn't it seem like it was just Iowa primary season?
  2. 9:30 - not going to be appologetic for expressing her opinion in the following posts... if you don't like them, stop reading.
  3. 9:32 - thinking that McCain looks like a turtle peaking out of his shell at the economy!
  4. 9:34 - thinking that from McCain's statement about being proud of the people at his ralleys that he supports every right wing conservative nut job in the nation.
  5. 9:36 - thinking McCain just made Obama's argument for him in calling Ayers a "washed up terrorist" isn't Ayers just that washed up. Additionally don't we all deserve a second chance in life.
  6. 9:40 - thinking Obama's response to Ayers and Acorn was articulate and spun fantastically into an issue of working across the aisle. If you want to criticize me with my relationship to this man, then you are going to need to criticize your fellow republicans as well. Then he turned it into how this man will not be advising him in office, but he will depend on the experts in their fields, both those on either side of the aisle. Again, great well scripted answer.
  7. 9:42 - loving Bob 'the Moderator' Schieffer for his question on why the candidates chose their VP,but Obama's answer is weak, but I am holding my breath for McCain's response. After Obama did not take the opportunity to opening criticize Palin, McCain has the gull to go after Biden, a man who has said he has been proud to have worked with McCain in the past. This may come back to haunt McCain, it showed his desperation.
  8. 9:46 - saying Palin is NOT my role model and I am a woman!
  9. 9:49 - wondering after McCain's arguement about Nuclear power being safe if McCain will invite power companies to build Nuclear Power Plants next to ever one of his how many houses! I sure as heck don't want one near where I live. Chernobyl anyone? It may be safe 99.99% of the time, but it is that .01 percent that scares the shit out of me.
  10. 9:49 - if you hadn't realized it, I think I am going to vote Obama.
  11. 9:50 - wondering why we need oil or nuclear power when we could depend on green energies. Obama, McCain, where are the fuel standards? where is the money for R & D?
  12. 9:53 - curious what we are importing from Columbia... cocaine?
  13. 9:56 - psyched the question is back on econ!!! Poor, Poor McCain, are you going to go hide back in your turtle shell?
  14. 9:58 - OT - my absentee ballot came today. I am going to vote are you?
  15. 10:04 - agreeing with Carol, is the 3rd Presidential Debate presented by Joe the Plumber''s Plumbing Business, from middle of nowhere, USA. Joe doesn't need the government's help any more, after all the references to him during the debate, he'll never need to advertise again. BTW, you can visit his website at, lol!
  16. 10:05 - Does the average healthcare package cost 5,800 or 12,800 dollars, there is a big difference. And anyways if McCain is only giving american 5,000 doesn't that mean that 800 is coming out of our pockets. Apparently McCain can't add. Maybe he is a product of the American education system that he doesn't seem to want to fix.
  17. 10:06 - OT- worried about the Dodgers, who are losing against the Phillies 5-0.
  18. 10:08 - wondering which congressman planted a bomb in Congress as according to McCain it almost "exploded" back when they were looking at Supreme Court Nominees?
  19. 10:11 - and has believed that it is not the governments place to legislate the abortion issue. End of issue. Period.
  20. 10:13 - thinking you should go look at Christina's update on McCain being left-handed. Christina's comment, "Tina noticed that McCain is lefthanded, according to Ethiopian beliefs, he's evil"
  21. 10:16 - pointing out the stupidity in the idea that you make abortion illegal and then not provide education on the consequences of having sex or their access to birth control and contreceptives. And does anyone want to point out that historically in America there has been a direct corelation between the legalization of abortion and lower crime rates. And anyways, people are going to have abortions anyways, its going to happen. So why don't we make it safe for all parties involved.
  22. 10:18 - would take Obama's $4,000 college tax credit. Too bad it would be a year late. McCain how much will you give me? oh none? Really?!
  23. 10:21 - saying that putting money into charter schools takes money out of public schools and I don't think we should give up on public schools for everyone. Charter schools drain resources and the best teachers. IMHO, the governement should pay off loans for students who go on to teach, and pay for or provide grants for master's program and professional development training.
  24. 10:23 - OT - currenlty watching the debate from Leo's at the most amazing free dinner event. Thanks Georgetown, there is a reason that this school is one of the best government programs in the nation! Go Hoyas!
  25. 10:25 - thinking the DC school district isn't an issue of charter schools but an issue of Socio-economic problems and disparities. Bad example McCain.
  26. 10:27 - OT - loving her facebook feature on her Blackberry. This is really fun.
  27. 10:29 - wondering if McCain voted to pass the DC budget, if so he voted for vouchers for schools. According to his argument he has been using against Obama voting for the bill is supporting... so McCain are you for or against voucher programs? Bills are complicated things, they are christmas trees that get weighed down. It is the cost of doing business, can't we just acknowledge it and move it.
  28. 10:30 - finding the closing arguments to be dull in comparison to the debate. Obama's was articulate and I loved his promise at the end. Just found out, no teleprompters used, the candidate's relied on good old memorization baby!
  29. 10:32 - thinking this was the best of the three debates, by far. So who do you think won?
  30. 10:37 - we took a vote, 3-0 Obama wins. But then again we are educated liberal elites. Oh yeah and we are women, 2 of which are hispanic.... go figure?!
  31. 10:39 - Hope you enjoyed this... and remember No matter who you vote for, Make sure you vote on November 4th. Good night and God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

miss you very much.
Hope to chat soon

Love Aunt Bev