In his latest column on ESPN.com, Bill Simmons when speaking about New England Patriots chances without the injured Tom Brady invoked the image of Georgetown.
One might hope he said something about the strength of the b-ball team last year without Jeff Greene and show a little love to the Hoyas, but no... Simmons wrote that the fourth of the five silver lining is that “Brady or no Brady, the Patriots have the easiest schedule in the league — the NFL did everything but schedule Georgetown and Columbia in December for them." Then he goes on to say "...this might be a good thing, right? Um … right? (Oh, who am I kidding? We're screwed. I will now attempt to hang myself with my Wes Welker jersey.)" So not only do we get slammed once we get slammed twice.
Though if Simmons often invoked Ewing (Georgetown basketball legend) Theory holds, he really shouldn't need to worry. After all his New England Patriots (he's a Boston Boy) won Super Bowl XXXVI after an injury to Drew Bledsoe forced Tom Brady into the starting quarterback's role in 2001. BTW, I blatently stole that from Wikipedia I know absolutely nothing about football besides the which I could gleem from my many lunches with Jeff and Chris at work last year.
Ewing Theory aside, I take offense at Simmon's bilittling characterization of the GT Football program. Granted our football team ended last in our league last year - actually we didn't even win a game last season - but our team with a string of defeats behind them strode out onto the field week after week and they walked off the field with their head equally held high after every loss. But it is one thing for fellow Hoya's to non-chilantly joke about our team - in a recent online poll 60% of 108 voters on The Hoya website said that they "still don't care" when asked if After the football team's win on Sunday, are you more likely to attend games? - it is another for Bill Simmons to do it on a blog read by millions.
I whole heartedly agree with what was written in the Hoya yesterday, "Don't think for a second that the Hoyas care about any of it." Because Simmons comments aside, I am proud of our football team. And granted the Patriot League is not in contention with the Pac-10 or Big-10. But I would like to point out for the record that Georgetown Hoya's football team beat Howard last Saturday (for an intramural DC cup). Okay Howard is no Notre Dame or Michigan State, they are no Ohio or Florida State, but we are currently UNDEFEATED for the year! And currently sport the same win-loss record as Simmon's beloved Patriots... 1-0 BABY!
Congratulations team, and good luck as you kick off the season tonight in your game at Layfette, even though I am not there rooting you on, know win or lose we still love you!
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